We Have Food - thanks to Scouting Skills

We Have Food - thanks to Scouting Skills

To ensure young people contribute to addressing the perennial shortage of food, the Africa Scout Region initiated the Food for Life Project. Through this project, Scouts, learn skills to grow different crop varieties for domestic consumption and even for sale. A Scout from Togo, Folli Amouzougan, is one such Scout. Together with his room-mates, they have been working for over 3 months now to grow nutritious food crops such as groundnuts, beans, corn, chili, tomato, melons and local leafy vegetables found in Togo like “ademe”, “atokouma” and “okra” as well as the medicinal “kinkeliba”. They are doing this mixed farming practice in just 100.28 square meter piece of land. “Today, from our hard work and thanks to the skills we have learnt through Scouting, we have food and I'm proud. If only two-thirds of the world population began to grow nutritious food crops, fruits, vegetable and medicinal plants, life on earth would be a paradise,” said Folli. You can find his project at www.scout.org/node/284356

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