Ugandan Scouts mobilizing people and creating awareness using brass band

Ugandan Scouts mobilizing people and creating awareness using brass band

The Uganda Scouts Association Youth Brass started in late January 2015 at Baden Powell House along Buganda Road as one of the achievements towards celebrating 100 years of Scouting in Uganda.  It started with a few basic wind instruments such as trumpets (4), baritone (1), tenor trombones (3), bass trombone (1), French horn (1). The percussions included side drums (4), snare drums (3), 2 pairs of cymbals, tenor drum, mini glockenspiel & a bass drum. The band has continued to grow, and so far has 50 members. We are looking forward to laying a strong music foundation based on Scout values in the same way the Crossroads of America Scout Band has done. To uplift the music standards of the band, music experts from one of the National Brass Bands in Uganda were called upon to help the young musical Scouts. Some of the key Scout activities in which the band has played include; Uganda Scouts National Founder’s Day celebrations in February and All Africa Scout Day celebrations in March 2015, Uganda Scouts International Centenary Jamboree celebrations, the 7th Africa Scout Youth Forum and the 16th Africa Scout Conference in August 2015. The band is also involved in other Scout community projects e.g. giving out of mosquito nets to the communities under the Scouts Against Malaria project, extending clean water to communities in areas with shortage of water under Water for Life project where they constructed water wells for the communities; as well as taking part in environmental activities with other organizations such as the Uganda Olympics Committee. The band plays a big role in mobilizing people and creating awareness on different issues. The Scouts band has also been equipping Scouts with skills in playing different percussion and wind instruments. This story was first written by Emong George William, a member of the Uganda Scouts Association Youth Brass Band. Read more at You can also reach out to them on their Facebook page
Youth Engagement

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