Gone Home: Tovohery Rabefitia (Madagascar)

Gone Home: Tovohery Rabefitia (Madagascar)

We regret to announce the demise of our great friend and brother Tovohery RABEFITIA which occurred on April 2, 2016 at Fontenay les Rose in France, at the age of 56 old. Until his death, he was a prominent member of Tily Eto Madagasikara and served in different capacities including: Deputy Commissioner & Deputy International Commissioner for Europe, member of the Trainers College and pioneer of the development and continuity of the Malagasy Scouting in Europe, especially in France.   During his lifetime, he started the Rover Scout branch in Madagascar with the 10thA local unit at the Protestant Church of Amparibe Famonjena in 1980. In 1984, he was appointed District Commissioner. He later went to France and was among the founders of the 1st Malagasy Troop in with the Federation Des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses Unionistes de France where later he became board member of the EEUDF and recently president of Tily Eto Madagasikara at the FPMA France. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, two children and the rest of the family, his friends and the entire Scout fraternity of Madagascar. Rest in Peace!
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