Uproot Of Marijuana Plants,Awareness Of Drug Abuse
Battling a substance maybe viewed as by many as a personal experience.Many may not take into consideration other people directly involved. Spouses, children, and parents who witness a family member struggling with addiction experience emotional damage, as well as financial, legal, medical, and other consequences.As such many problems can happen more often, conflicts between family members may eventually destroy everything in their own live.As such I took up this project to avoid these problems.
During our after school club time, scouts of our school had brought sacks and gloves to uproot the marijuana plants around the school campus and the surrounding neighborhood. Marijuana is mainly used as a drug.So we divided ourselves into 3 big groups and went to uproot them in different areas where these plants were found in abundance,by the end of the day we had uprooted and gathered around 20sacks of marijuana and disposed them.
The impact of this project is that it helped our society to stop drug abuse, it taught the people on short and long term affects of abusing drugs and how abusing it causes more suffering in our live for a moment of pleasure. It doesn’t just affect us but even our family, causing conflicts,disputes and resulting into breaking of family and causing more problems between the abuser and the family.It also affects the person health, affecting their organs after each consumption and thus killing them.
I learned that abusing drugs isn’t just a personal problem but a problem which affects everyone including our parents and family.Consuming drugs just gives a moment of pleasure of what a lifetime of suffering,it taught me that quitting is always better when the addiction is early.If we keep on abusing in the end we’ll be in endless conflict and dispute with our family and eventually us dying as it affects our body a lot.Therefore it taught me that abusing drugs is just as bad for us to everyone.