

545 / 5000 Translation results As we know that adversity will be easy or light if borne together, what I learned from this activity, natural disasters are things we cannot predict, there are many possibilities, but as human beings we must be prepared and always giving my best to protect or help people if they are in trouble, help coming from all over the state and places opened my eyes to realize that we can and are able to do together
The occurrence of natural disasters in Malaysia during the rainy season located in Yan Kedah, the rapid flow of the river is not a new thing in that place but this time it is quite unusual and the damage estimated at almost all houses and facilities there are affected, we as scouts are always ready to help people can lighten the load by providing home amenities and basic necessities, we also clean homes and schools
Among the effects after our help can also alleviate some of the burden borne by flood victims, we can also strengthen the relationship between volunteers while working and in addition can open the eyes of the community to the importance of our role when people are affected by disasters.
What I have learned is that it is very important for all members of the scouts to help people in need because it is in line with our position as scouts who help people at all times, and we can learn from past events that caring for nature is very important.
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Number of participants
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Youth Engagement
Humanitarian action
Peace and Community Engagement

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