""The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
As per the Circular of THE BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES KARNATAKA,I had applied for SSLC Exam Service which was held from25th June 2020 to 3rd July 2020.I choosen Government High School Kombettu,Puttur as it is near to me.In this Center 1 Rover,9Ranger and 2 Unit Leaders were rendered service.
On 24th June 2020,We had an preparation to the examination and duties are alloted.The H.M of the school spoken with us about the service to be made during exams.Everyday morning 7:30,We have to report and start our duty and till 1:30 we are engaged with service.
On the last day,The H.M of the school appreciated our service and we also thanked to school's administration to providing Opportunity to render Service.