Messengers of Peace: Hydroponic and Aquaponic, the Nature’s Hero

Messengers of Peace: Hydroponic and Aquaponic, the Nature’s Hero

Planting few types of vegetables using recycled materials to ensure the preservation of the nature!

This is the idea of our project for Messengers Of Peace which is urban farming.This method of farming is to produce healthier foods by our self. 

The main benefit of urban farming is to grow high quality foods. The problem with mass-produced food is that it is often loaded with chemicals and pesticides to increase production and shelf-life. With urban gardening, you don’t have to worry about this. You can grow organic food without such chemicals. You have control over the growing conditions and the water, soil, and compost you want to use.

You can choose to grow the unique heirloom varieties of food that are high-quality and delicious but may be susceptible to disease if mass-produced. You can pluck the fresh fruits and vegetables whenever they are ready to harvest, so you don’t need to worry about the shelf-life.

How does this project affect the community?

Our team invited the whole community to complete this project together involving nearby primary school in Kuala Selangor.This project has benefited those in the community that has been affected during the Covid 19 Pandemic. The harvested crops were sold and the profits from it were distributed for those who are in need in the community. At the same time they can practice growing their own food so that they can save more money in this pandemic period.  

Moreover, we also introduced urban farming technic to the nearby community and encourage them to practice. based on the observation, most of the community accepted this idea and practice it at their own house. most of them didnt even know this method farming until being exposed from us. Our team are very proud because we managed to achieved our goals in this project.

Apart from that, we are still collecting a quarter of the profit to donate medical equipment to nearby hospital and goverment clinics.

how is the process of this project?

We basically used recycled materials such as wood,hose and Pvc pipe to built the hydroponic system for this project.The main reason why we decided used this system is because hydroponic is water saving.To Plants grown hydroponically can use only 10% of water compared to field grown ones. In this method, water is recirculated. Plants will take up the necessary water, while run-off ones will be captured and return to the system. Water loss only occurs in two forms - evaporation and leaks from the system (but an efficient hydroponic setup will minimize or don't have any leaks).

thank you for reading!




Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Legacy BWF

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