Fight NCDs by reducing salt consumption.
This project was organized mainly to promote healthy behavior change, such as promotion of physical activity and healthy food habits in the community to prevent non communicable diseases.
The project was organized in a remote corner of Bhutan known as Gomdar under Samdrupjongkhar District. We formed two groups and each group went to two different villages. While walking to the villages carrying brochures and banners with information on fighting non communicable diseases by reducing salt consumption, we also created awareness on the same topic to every people we met on the way. After reaching the village we advocated the villagers on the same topic.
The project was organized in almost every part of Bhutan and has benefited almost every citizens of Bhutan.
In the community level around 300 people felt the benefit of such project. People generally understand that consumption of excess salt is unhealthy. Now people are committing to consume less salt.
Public speaking skills and interpersonal skills was an important thing I learnt from this project. Moreover I knew the affects and issues of over consumption of salt and learnt about non communicable diseases and how to fight them.