The Dengue Prevention Project 2019
During the rainy season, water gets stored up many places and mosquitoes lay their eggs there. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector that transmits the virus that causes dengue. That's why it is most likely someone gets dengue during the rainy season. We decided is would be the best if we cleaned out the areas which we possibly could and that's how the 'dengue prevention project' took place.
We were divided in teams and each team was asked to clean out certain areas specified by our seniors. We also made awareness posters and explained the locals how they should keep their surroundings neat and clean and also make sure that no water is stored up anywhere as it is likely that mosquitoes can lay their eggs on them.
That impact of that project was immense. We were able to clean out a a huge area and we stuck awareness posters on many pillars. Locals became more conscious about the situation as we explained to them how the aedes mosquito's lay their egg in any still stored up dirty water and how their stings can cost a life.
We learned immensely from this project. We made a huge impact on the society and we were very proud about it. We realized how important it is to leave a positive impact on the society. By seeing our hard-work, locals were inspired and they helped us clean the area too.