At the beginning of this year, precisely in January which is the rainy season, the entire PRASGRIGA family collaborated with KSM (komunitas Swadaya Masyarakat), to take the initiative to clean the environment in Dukuh Kerok and Dukuh Kriya which are located in Randudongkal sub-district, we cleaned the environment especially in water channel areas such as gutters and rivers to prevent flooding due to blockage of garbage.
In the SCOUTS CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT project which was carried out for 11 days starting from the project planning on January 18 to January 27, 2025, I as the head of the activity committee along with 3 other committee members planned this activity for 10 days every 3 hours after school, and on January 28 this project was carried out with 25 scout participants, all the waste was collected and taken to the KSM ,waste processing, then the participants and the committee returned to their homes.
Public Awareness Takes Time Not everyone cares about environmental cleanliness right away. Education and consistency in socialization are very important so that the habit of disposing of and managing waste properly can be formed. Collaboration is the Key to Success Support from various parties, such as government, communities, schools, and local businesses, is very helpful in accelerating change and expanding the impact of the project