PWoP - SDG GOAL : 02 Food Distribution.
We are working to achieve the 17 goals of SDG declared by the United Nations.
SDG Goal 2 "ZERO HUNGER" which is working to eradicate malnutrition worldwide. We distributed lunch to 40 street children and disadvantaged people from Project Wheels of Peace to partner in achieving SDG GOAL 2. ๐งก๐๏ธ
#ProjectWheelsOfPeace #PWoP #SDG #SDGsforAll #UN #Peace #MessengerOfPeace #MoP #ScoutsForSDGs #BangladeshScouts #ZeroHunger #SDG2030
We are working to achieve the 17 goals of SDG declared by the United Nations.
SDG Goal 2 "ZERO HUNGER" which is working to eradicate malnutrition worldwide. We distributed lunch to 40 street children and disadvantaged people from Project Wheels of Peace to partner in achieving SDG GOAL 2.๐งก๐๏ธ
SDG Goal 2 "ZERO HUNGER" which is working to eradicate malnutrition worldwide. We distributed lunch to 40 street children and disadvantaged people from Project Wheels of Peace to partner in achieving SDG GOAL 2. ๐งก๐๏ธ
We are working to achieve the 17 goals of SDG declared by the United Nations.