With Success the VIII Interamerican Scout Summit Came to its End #ScoutIAR
With Success the VIII Interamerican Scout Summit Came to its End #ScoutIAR
Cancun, Monday October 19, 2015.
By: ScoutIAR. Photo: Ralf Dillmann WSB-IAR.
During Friday 17th, Saturday 18th and Sunday October 19th was held in Cancun, the VIII Interamerican Scout Summit, which brought together 117 leaders from 28 NSOs of the Interamerican Region. It is important to note that this large participation constituted a new attendance record for this type of event in our region.
The event was led by Leonardo Morales Chairperson of the Interamerican Scout Committee and Ricardo Stuber 2nd. Vice-Chairperson of ISC, accompanied by Rafe Lucado, Humphrey Shurman, Kent Clayburn, Rosario Mayorga, Luis Silvestri and Zaida Joaquin, all of them members of ISC.
Several objectives of the agenda were aimed at reviewing the progress of the current Regional Plan 2014-2016 "Add Efforts, Multiply Results" and the Resolutions adopted at the XXV Interamerican Scout Conference Buenos Aires 2013. Additionally they worked in providing elements to feed next Regional Plan, which is expected to be 100% aligned with the World Triennial Plan 2014-2017 and with the Vision 2023. Participants also took part in meetings aimed at reviewing the governance processes at regional level and in this regard to make proposals for improvement it, which may involve changes to existing strategies, resolutions of the Interamerican Scout Committee and even a potential constitutional reform in the Region.
During the Summit there was an opportunity to present and invite for the next events, regional and global, we mean to the World Scout Moot Iceland 2017, the Interamerican Jamboree-Camporee Ecuador 2017, the Interamerican Scout Moot Peru 2018 and the World Scout Jamboree USA 2019.
In particular important place is the conference on the role to be played by youth in the global context presented by Ahmad Alhendawi Special Envoy for the Youth of the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon. Other featured presenters were Joao Gonçalves President of the World Scout Committee, Mari Nakano, member of WSC, Scott Teare Secretary General of WOSM and David Berg, Global Director of Organizational Development of the WSB. , Aomori Matsumoto and Tiago Lacerda showed youth engagement results in the Interamerican Region.
All participants agreed to describe the event as a success and high strategic value to continue aligning and strengthening in our Interamerican Scout Region.
The next regional meeting will be in Houston - USA in October 2016, when we will celebrate the XXVI Interamerican Scout Conference, we will wait all of you there!