Prabuhi For Earth Program in Sukabumi Adopt Trees

Prabuhi For Earth Program in Sukabumi Adopt Trees

Sukabumi's Team of Reading Volunteering Scouts (PRABUHI) has this special interest in our Earth Campaign #Prabuhi4Earth Program. This time they launch #AdoptATree; where a troop can adopt any kind of tree, name it, and plant it in their Camp Site; Cikundul Hill. This new activity is come from our biggest concern to see how tree can easily "dissapear" from that Camp Site. Some local villagers whom are jobless and poor are believed as the main reasons of this circumstances. So, this #AdoptATree program will allow each troop to "nurture and guard" their "own" tree in the Camp Site. Each week they collect coins for their tree, and by the end of the month, those coins will be delivered and given to certain local villager who will take care and guard their tree in the Camp Site; check them regularly, watering, applying fertilizer, etc. For a start, we have 15 troops adopt 15 trees planted in Cikundul Camp Site on 21st of September 2013. This program received a warm responds from local authorities and local villagers,and hopefully will expand soon.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety

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