Litter picking in the country park (77931)
Hong Kong

Litter picking in the country park (77931)

Litter is a serious problem in Hong Kong. It is also a common cause for the land pollution worldwide. According to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in Hong Kong, about 3800 metric tons of trash left by the visitors was collected in the city’s country parks in 2014. In order to raise our Scout leaders’ awareness of this environmental issue, we attempted to embed "Messenger of Peace"(MoP) projects into the Wood Badge training. On the afternoon of 17th May 2015, a litter clean-up activity was taken place in the Country Park area near the Hong Kong Gilwell Campsite; everyone had an unforgettable experience of picking up the litter under the heavy rain. Though we were drenched, our passion for serving the community was not diminished. In addition, a Leave No Trace (LNT) Awareness Workshop was run to help our leaders grasp a deeper understanding of how humans have caused irreparable damages to the environment. During the workshop, the participants constructed a trash decomposition timeline by matching the type of trash with the amount of time it takes to be broken down. We understand how difficult it is to reduce or reverse the environmental impact of human activities, and so Scout leaders must continue to convey to our youth members a clear and consistent message on protecting the environment. Let’s create a better world!
Number of participants
Service hours
Hong Kong

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