Building Leadership in Project Management

Building Leadership in Project Management

Due to its large area and big membership which carry potentials of doing more peace activities and/or projects, Indonesia is considered important to have a full-time national MoP Project Manager who will assist provincial MoP Project Leaders to implement peace valuas and action. Thus, Gerakan Pramuka National Headquarters ACTIVITY 1 – TITLE: Hiring a Project Manager Action: Hiring a Project Manager in December 2011. There were 4 candidates following the selection process to become MoP Project Manager. Below are the names of those 4 candidates: NAMES OF CANDIDATES M/F AGE QUALIFICATION RECCOMMENDED BY DATE OF INTERVIEW 1. Dian Septembriandini F 28 French Teacher Septemberi Yanti 4 Dec 2011 2. Sri Gusni Febriasari F 23 Public Health Eris Herryanto 4 Dec 2011 3. Ria Andriyani F 23 English Teacher Fatchuddin 12 Dec 2011 4. Dian Puti Rahmasari F 26 Accountant Irid F. Agoes 14 Dec 2011 The 4 candidates were interviewed by Kak Mariati Soetjiono - National Commissioner of Gerakan Pramuka as well as a Lecturer of Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia - together with Kak Brata T. Hardjosubroto, National Commissioner of Gerakan Pramuka. The results of the interview is, candidate number 2 (Ms. Sri Gusni Febriasari) was selected as Messengers of Peace Indonesia Project Manager. Outputs: There was a monitoring and evaluation process done to each of the running MoP Project in the year 2012, so the fund given to each project is used properly and effectively so that the activities goals were achieved. ACTIVITY 2 - TITLE: Training of Provincial Project Managers Action: This is special training organized for 13 people who are responsible for the implementation of MoP Pilot Projects in 7 provinces: DKI Jakarta, West Sumatra, Central Java, West Java, East Java, Banten and Jogjakarta. The training was held 16-18 March 2012 at Taman Rekreasi Wiladatika, Cibubur, Jakarta. Materials given during this training were MoP Platform, community development, public relations and project management. The activity aims to make the project leaders in each province has good competence and skill in project management so that the projects are successfully implemented and the objectives are met. It was held 3 days in 16-18 of March 2012 in Taman Rekreasi Wiladatika (TRW), Cibubur. The materials were given to gain the grand design of Messengers of Peace (MoP), community empowerment and development, public relations, and project management. After the training was officially opened by the chairman of the Gerakan Pramuka, the late Prof. Azrul, the grand design of MoP material was delivered to remind the participants that MoP is not a hit-n-run program but a sustainable program. Therefore, materials regarding community empowerment and development were given by Kak Untung and Kak Kodrat to make participants understand how to make it sustainable. Besides that, the late Prof Azrul said that the MoP projects in Indonesia have to be an education media for the children as well as problem solver within the society. Because of the big aims of MoP projects for those in need, big supports and movements from any sectors are particularly needed. Here, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia Scout Movement has to become the front liner in implementing the MoP goals. Thus, Kak Brata Gerakan Pramuka National Commissioners presented the public relation material which can help the project management to make good relationship with other relevant parties. Participants were also given material on project management delivered by (the former) Secretary General of Gerakan Pramuka, Kak Joedyaningsih, to help project managers run the projects well. Besides, there is also another important thing which is documentation and publication as part of project management. This material is delivered by Kak Adi Pamungkas and Kak Septembri Yanti from Gerakan Pramuka Public Relations. With this, the programs were expected to become not only as an evaluation media but also role model that can inspire other communities to do other good deeds in good ways. At the end of the sessions, participants were given direct practice regarding to financial planning and reports, facilitated by Kak Mul and Kak Desi. This whole event was officially closed by (the former) Secretary General of Gerakan Pramuka with a message that the lessons in 3 days can be implemented in each province so that all projects could meet their objectives. Outputs: • Project Leaders know the importance of implementing continuous programs which can bring benefits to both Scouts and society. • Project Leaders understand the importance of involving several parties to implement MoP Activities in each province. • Project leaders realize the importance of managing the project in each of their respective province, starting from planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation. • The training of Provincial Managers Messengers of Peace was successfully held on March 16-18 2012, followed by each provincial representatives who are responsible for the projects. • Participants have good enthusiasm of joining the training. This can be seen by their being very active in every session of discussion. • The cost estimation design of each region has been adjusted with the agreed rules according to the Rules No. 84/PMK.02/2011 issued by the Ministry of Finance regarding the Cost Standard Estimation Year 2012. ACTIVITY 3 – TITLE: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Action: • Collecting project reports of the activities every 10 and 25 of each month • Doing the monitoring dan evaluation to each of MoP project site, except “Mangrove for Life” (Central Java) because at that time it was so difficult to match the schedule with its project manager. Below are the details of the visit to 6 out of 7 projects monitored and evaluated: 1. The Use of Bamboo for Survival - West Java: 4 and 5 May 2012 (also attended by Mr. S. Prassanna and Mr. John Geoghegan) 2. Clean and Green River for a Better Future - DKI Jakarta: 6 and 7 May 2012 3. Scouts Coral Restoration - East Java: 11 and 12 May 2012, 15-16 June 4. Preserving Local and Traditional Culture - Yogyakarta: 9 and 10 June 2012 (also attended by King Gustav) 5. Embroidery to Improve Life - West Sumatra: 15 and 16 June 2012 6. Flower Garden – Banten: 15 April 2014 (also attended by Cynthia Marquez) Outputs: • MoP projects implementation are monitored in two ways: 1. By collecting the progress report of the project Each province makes the progress report on the projects by 10th and 25th of every month. 2. By having the field site monitoring and evaluation. We have done the field site monitoring in 6 (five) out of 7 (seven) MoP Project areas which are East Java, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, West Sumatera and Banten. The aim of this activity is to monitor project implementation in the field site to be evaluated together. Therefore, we can ensure that the projects are successfully implemented and able to meet their objectives SIGNIFICANT AND POSITIVE CHANGES • MoP Projects in 7 provinces were implemented according to the goals they want to achieve. • By doing the monitoring, we can figure out which activities that have been completed and activities that have not been completed in those provinces and which ones that have not been done. By visiting the project areas, we can also predict and make sure of their sustainability. Factors playing role in our success: • Full and continuous support from Gerakan Pramuka as the National Headquarter • Various potential, skill and creativity possessed by Indonesian Scouts INTERVIEWS AND TESTIMONIALS. 1. “I departed to Jakarta for the training with optimistic pint of view even though by the time I went back home my expectations were not fully fulfilled. At first we started the MoP Scouts Coral Restoration project without clearly understood what MoP is. Luckily, one night before my departure to Jakarta I looked for any information regarding MoP from the internet so that I had a bit ‘illustration’ about peace activities. But I was glad APR was so much excited to our project, and at that time I and my team had a mission to make Scouts Coral Restoration the best and most successful MoP Indonesia Pilot Project.” − Arif Eko Wahyudi, Project Leader of MoP Scouts Coral Restoration, East Java 2. “I am the one who regularly reported and wrote MoP Reports for Mangrove for Life project run in Semarang, Central Java. The big difficulty was because I was not sent to Jakarta for Training of Provincial Manager. My province sent another person named Kak Istajib. He was not too much involved in the project afterwards and said almost nothing about the training. As a program manager I felt rather disappointed with this, but I and other team members decided to continue running the project no matter what. Perhaps for the next time it’s better to invite those who really involve in the project to come to the training so that they will get the briefing, overview and reporting method. Thus, the project design will reach people working on the project site and actively participate in it.” − Ghulam Manar, Program Manager of MoP Mangrove for Life, Central Java LESSONS LEARNED • It is important to find a qualified Project Manager who is truly committed to complete and finish her/his duty so that the projects can be well-monitored, evaluated and reported. • It is important to emphasize to the Project Leaders that involving as many young Scout members as possible is necessary in implementing MoP Projects. CHALLENGES AND DIFFICULTIES. • The project reports which were supposed to be submitted twice in every month were often late because of the late submission from Scout Provincial Headquarters running the MoP Projects. This resulted in some problems in the project implementation because late submission of the reports means late transfer of the fund from Central Office. • The progress of the project could not be reported by 25th of May, 10th and 25th June to APR due to doing other activities such as preparing and doing the training in dialogue, MoP Promotion in National Scout Competition 2012, and International Scout Peace Camp. However, that pending reports will be reported accordingly and being included in the final report of each projects. • The field site monitoring to Banten were late due to the delay of the project and transition of MoP Indonesia Project Manager. • Difficulty of converting the financial report from IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) to US Dollars because the currency keeps changing.
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