The 19th DMZ Peace Trekking

The 19th DMZ Peace Trekking

It was about 40 years ago that around 155 km long Berlin wall was collapsed. However, on the other side of the earth, the 155 miles long barbed-wire-fence has been still standing firm in the waist of Korean peninsula. Discord confrontation made that fence and the fence made Korean families separated and tore their heart. After setting up the fence, 60 years passed. Korean student has become indifferent to the meaning of that fence which stands for a tragedy of war and discord confrontation. 155 Korean students who are stuck in severe competitive society walked 155 miles along the fence. While trekking, they visited observatories where the territory of North Korea can be seen, hills where soldiers were engaged in a fierce battle during Korean War and other battlefields. They learned what the conflict and competition left and how important peace and harmony. This project has implemented for 18 years and it is the first youth program certified by Korean government. Also, in recognition of the positive effects of this event on youth education, the event received special certification from the government as an example of an outstanding Youth Activity Program.
Started Ended
Number of participants
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